How to Get Tomato Soup Out of Carpet

It can be quite a task to remove a tomato soup stain out of carpet, marble or tile floor especially when dry. The good news is that there are a few different methods to tackle this sort of stain ✔️

tomato soup stain out of carpet

From vinegar, hairspray, Windex, none-acetone remover and baking soda, removing tomato soup from your carpets remain possible. Carpets are a well-known covering and floor for almost every portion of your home.

Some types of carpet may not require any form of maintenance to keep them glowing and shining all day. Nevertheless, certain floors will need a thorough and proper cleaning to make them last for a long time.

Has tomato spills mistakenly dropped on your floor? Is your quest for how to remove tomato soup out of carpet? Keep reading this detailed content to discover how to eliminate tomato stains from any carpeted floor.

How to get rid of a tomato soup stain out of carpet

Step 1

The first move to take is by using a knife or spoon to gently get rid of tomato soup resting on the carpet. The process must commence from the outside portion of an affected spot to prevent further spread.

Step 2

Use more club soda or warm water to spray where the stain stays on the floor.

Step 3

Properly press on the tomato stain with the help of a damp sponge to soak up the stain.

Step 4

Press firmly onto the affected area with a clean paper towel. This is a great way of absorbing the rest tomato soup residue or liquid remaining on the carpet.

Step 5

Mix 1 tbs of detergent solution and two cups of water.

Step 6

With cold water, you can move on to clean the portion of your carpet where tomato stains are found. When the floor is dry, simply pat with a clean towel.

Simple tips! How to get tomato soup stain out of carpet

The color of a carpet is the first factor to consider when getting rid of a tomato soup stain out of carpet or flooring. The best method of removal can be using none-acetone removers if the carpet is white or light.

Rubbing alcohol or using a quality hairspray will work if the carpet’s color is dark. Use a paper towel or sponge during the process of bloating for easy removal. The procedure will have to be repeated several times until the tomato soup is out of the affected area.

Other Methods on How to Eliminate Tomato Stains from Carpets

Hydrogen Peroxide Strategy

Hydrogen peroxide can help on How to Eliminate Tomato Stains from Carpets

Use Windex

Using Windex is straightforward and easy. Buy a container of Windex and pour on the required portion of your carpet. When pouring Windex on the stain, be careful to prevent any excessiveness. Allow Windex to remain on the floor for a space of one minute.

Put a white cloth into cold water and properly clean the floor. Within some minutes, you will see the stain removing faster than anticipated.

Acetone-Free Remover

The none-acetone method is another great way to get tomato soup out of carpets. Follow the simple steps in this section to get a great result.

The Baking Soda Approach

If you’re thinking of getting rid of tomato soup out of the carpet, then the baking soda approach should not be ignored.

Tip: Pour warm water into a container of baking soda to get a paste-like material. Apply the mixture on the affected portion of your carpet or floor. Use a scrubbing brush to hard-up the surface and later clean with a wet piece of cloth.

Sugar Method

With the simple and easy steps below, you’ll be able to get rid of tomato soup from home platforms quickly.

Vinegar method

If you are looking to get impressive results when removing tomato soup from carpets, then make use of white vinegar. Combining lemon juice and white vinegar will produce ultra-excellent results. Vinegar is a natural cleaner and remains acidic in nature. Even if the tomato soup is dry and sticks to the floor, vinegar can get rid of it quickly.

Quick tip: Squeeze some orange juice or half a lemon into a bowl of vinegar to get strong citric acid. In this mixture, you can place an old cloth and wait for ten to fifteen minutes. Clean the stained surface by scrubbing hard until every spot is removed.


The idea to use a window cleaner, rubbing alcohol, hairspray, shaving foam, detergent solution, amyl acetate, and warm water can always help to remove tomato soup stains from a carpet. Following the few other steps in this article gives you an edge to overcome any issue relating to tomato soup removal from your carpet.

The tips above also guarantee how to eliminate soup stains caused by tomato from any floor almost immediately. Give it a try now and see how the process works.

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